
Hypnotherapy is not just for the birth

The Examiner - 2 July 2012

Hypnotherapy has been found to help in the birthing of babies, reducing labour time, reducing pain and making the mother more relaxed when giving birth.  But it can also help in returning to the pre-birth woman.

New poll reinforces the difficulty many women find in returning to normal post baby A new poll which was released in the media news outlet Monday says on average it takes mothers 409 days to get their figures back, discover their sex drive, and find happiness in their jobs (that is if they have a job they enjoy).

One thousand British mothers of all ages participated in this poll which was commissioned to help launch a new site called “Mojomum” founded by Sally Overhead. Sixty percent of the women surveyed said the longer it took them to return to work the harder it was to find that pre-maternal mojo. Forty three percent said they found that mojo when they found a job that gave them a good home/work life balance.

Some other interesting numbers showed ten percent felt it took them longer than two years to get feel sexy again and fifteen percent said they never really got that pre-maternal feeling back.

The main points were weight loss, returning to a healthy sex life or feeling attractive, and returning to work. All of these points can be addressed with hypnotherapy, either through self-hypnosis tapes or seeing an actual hypnotherapist. Good weight loss programs generally last 5 – 10 weeks to help reinforce behaviors and lifestyle changes.

You can either see a therapist one on one or join a workshop/clinic for a cheaper alternative. For feeling sexy it is about self-confidence and regaining that. Also reminding yourself you are not just a mother you are still a woman. As you lose the baby fat this will help but some reinforcement in the self-confidence area can also make a huge difference. There are some great confidence building self-hypnosis tapes on the market today that can help. Some mothers can find a little guilt when they return to work, hypnosis can help with this. It can also help them feel better about their job by helping them remove blocks and barriers that may be causing them to feel negative about their jobs.

Hypnotherapy during and after birth helps the mother during the birthing process but also to get back that feeling of beeing a woman post birth.  Hypnobirthing is a great way to reduce the pain and trauma of a natural childbirth.  Hypnotherapy can continue after the birth, weight loss hypnotherapy, hypnotherapy for confidence, hypnotherapy for depression.  At the Harley Street Hypnotherapy Clinic, we specialise in hypnobirthing or neonatal hypnotherapy. To find out how hypnosis can help you have a pain free birth, and improve life post birth, talk to one of the hypnotherapists at The Harley Street Hypnotherapy Clinic in London.

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